Listen in as we discuss biblical principles found in Scripture and teach practical ways to apply them in everyday life.

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Wednesday Aug 30, 2023

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10 NIV
If you want to be "ALL IN" for God, the Bible says that it starts with "the fear of the Lord." Listen in as we discuss how this applies to our recent ALL IN series!

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023

We live in a world with an identity problem, to say the least. So then that prompts the question: How can someone really know who they are? Or what their purpose is? Or why they are where they are? Listen in to hear how we can be confident of who we are when we find our identity in our Creator. 

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023

Ever taken the time to really think about your thoughts? Truth is, God's Word says quite a bit about how our thoughts impact our lives. So if you don't like where your life is, chances are, there may be some thoughts that need changing. Listen in to learn more about how renewing you mind leads to a transformed life.

Episode 022 Spiritual Disciplines

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Ever wondered why we need to practice disciplines such as prayer, bible study, fasting, and worship? These are not just boxes to check off the list. They are so much more and meant to change you from within. Listen in to learn more!

Episode 021 The Art of Advice

Wednesday May 10, 2023

Wednesday May 10, 2023

Have you ever felt awkward asking for or giving advice? You are not alone. There are actually biblical principles you can put in place to do this in a way that respects one another, strengthens relationships and honors God all at the same time. Listen in for a biblical and practical perspective on how to give and receive advice!

Episode 020 Sharing Your Faith

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023

Listen in as we discuss the importance of sharing your faith and some practical ways to go about doing it!

Friday Apr 07, 2023

What's so good about Good Friday? Roughly 2000 years ago the fate of the world changed as the Son of God died a horrific death and was laid in a tomb. It seemed like everything was over, but God had different plans. Sunday was coming. Through the tragedy, God was working everything out just as He had planned. Listen in to walk through some of the events of the day with us!

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023

Ever found yourself feeling calloused towards sin or other people? Have you ever felt uninterested in the things pertaining to God but didn't know why?  Listen in to find out what this may be a red flag of and, instead, learn how to push back against the sin of apathy and find how to live free from it.

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023

You may have heard a Christian refer to "the Kingdom" before, but what does that even mean? Jesus spoke about the Kingdom often and instructed his followers to live their lives for it and be willing to give their lives to advance it. But once again... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? Listen in to find out!!

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023

Did you know that conflict, in itself, is not wrong? It's actually the way that we handle conflict that may be sinful. Listen in to learn what the Bible says about conflict with one another and how to resolve it as followers of Jesus!

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